Principal's Desk

ROSHNI PUBLIC SCHOOL is a tree of knowledge unceasingly branching out towards the sun of enlightenment and sending its roots further towards the minerals of enrichment. We, at RPS, earnestly encourage our children

“To delve deep into the ocean fearlessly

To soar and explore the canopy above confidently

And to step into the impenetrable forest courageously”

Mahatma Gandhi wrote once that textbooks are not the Bible and the be-all and end-all of everything. We, at RPS, strive to take our children beyond the text books, always stretching our hands and minds towards innovation and perfection.

In our endeavour to reach the pinnacle of excellence, we have not thrown away the following pearl of wisdom gifted to us by Robert Frost, the great American poet :

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep”.

Hence, we always instruct our students to love nature and be considerate towards animals and the other fellow human beings.

In brief, we at RPS, impart the following life-enriching skills:

“to read voraciously

to think independently

to act confidently

to communicate effectively

and above all,

to live constructively…”

Mrs Rajalaxmi Panda

— Principal —

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